July 18, 2016

Just for fun =)

You know, at the end of my travel I noticed one interesting fact. Men in all countries like fishing in a very extraordinary places. You don't believe me?) Look at this!

July 17, 2016

Formal city

It is the third city I visited. I think every traveler around the world have been there at least once of his life. The reason of such hypothesis is that one of the biggest airports is situated here. I met there people of all nations. Albeit I’d been there only for one day the impression from the city was positive. 

First what I noticed were formal suits. Many men in formal suits with suitcases. Everywhere. As I found out later Frankfurt is the biggest financial center of Europe, transport and logistics hub of Germany.

The city of bridges!

I will tell you now about my two days in Hamburg :)

The second city I visited was Hamburg. This the one of the biggest port city in Europe.  You may ask me about my first impression from Hamburg?... A lot of bridges! A huge amount of them!

PyGamma Code Sprint in Heidelberg

As I didn’t get the founding for my working visit to Germany I decided to combine working during a trip and getting to know tourist attractions. Before this trip Germany for me was associated with The Second World War (films like Shindler’s List, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, such historical places as Berliner Mauer, Treptower Park,  Reichstag) and not less tragic places in my country.

Of course, the main reason why I had a trip to Germany was my participation in PyGamma coding sprint 2 at MPIK, Heidelberg.

The first step to my programmer carrier!

I was combining the work on gammapy and studying at the School of Data Analysis of Yandex. 

During the studying at this courses I learned such disciplines as algorithm and data structure, machine learning, natural language processing, information search, image and video processing, heuristic approaches  in competitions of data analysis and programming the intelligence systems. I got more deep knowledge of Python and C++.

Festive occasion was happened on account of the graduating and diploma delivery on June, 24. After the diploma delivery occasion was standing buffet. There are some photos from it.

Hello from silence...

Sorry for a little silence on the my blog’s page. If you want to share with somebody by something, it is necessary that something extraordinary happened in your common and working life. In other way, what is the reason of talking about nothing? I had full of events and bright emotions period of time! And I want to share it with you.